2015년 2월 24일 화요일

AUDI Brake Caliper Logo Emblem Glassy Silver Chrome 2p for All Car Vehicle

AUDI Brake Caliper Logo Emblem
Glassy Silver Chrome 2p 1set for All Car Vehicle

  • Condition : 100% Brand New & Unused (Quality Checked before shipping)
  • Composition : Left, Right 2p (1Set)
  • Made : Made in South Korea
  • Color : Glassy Silver Chrome
  • Size(cm) : 7.3 x 1.0 x 0.2
  • Please check the Empty Space size of brake Caliper in your car.
  • Compatibility : All Car Vehicle

If you want to buy this item only 1 Quantity or sample  first, 
Please contact this website below
Or, If you want a large purchase, Please E mail us : kmptrade9@gmail.com

* United states will be ship by USPS fast shipping :)

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